Documentation, Enterprise AI

How to Effectively Explore Our Business Directory

The Business Directory allows you to explore a wide range of business activities across various industries and sectors. You can navigate through categories and subcategories to find specific business opportunities that interest you. Once identified, you can analyze these opportunities in detail using’s AI-powered chatbots and tools for problem analysis, ideation, supply/demand assessment, and more. This documentation provides a step-by-step guide on how to effectively utilize the Business Directory feature within the software.

    1.Click here to create My Enterprise

    2.Click on the general tab if it is not open

    3.Click on ‘Explore’ on the first item on the general tab

    4.All the listed business activities would be expanded

    5.Click on any of the business activities: These activities include: Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Mining and Quarrying, Manufacturing etc.

    6.You can click on sub category or sub sub category to get more specific business activities

    7.When you are satisfied with the business activities you are looking for, it is time to explore that business in details

    8.You can now explore the activities by clicking on any of the terms that listed under the activities.

    9.These activities include: 6Ws Problem Analysis, Supply and Demand Problems, Ideation, Creativity and innovation etc

    10.When you click on any of these terms, a chatbot would be opened for you

    11.Kindly wait for the chat response

    12.When you get the response, you can have further conversation with the Ai about the business activities. You can even change the terms from the Ai chatbot, for instance you change from 6Ws Problem Analysis to Supply and Demand Problems to Ideation to Creativity and innovation without coming back to the ‘Explorer’

    13.When you are satisfied with the Ai answers, kindly come back to the Explorer and click on create new project for that business activity

    14.Product business description would be created for you. Kindly fill the following fields for optimal response from the Ai: product, business description, target location, country, company name, company address, company email, company website, company telephone number.

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